Something Must Kill A (Wo)Man: 5 Tips To Increase Life Expectancy In Nigeria

Recently, I was having a laugh with someone about the age-old argument of Nigerian vs Ghanaian Jollof.


The Battle Between Nigerians & Ghanaians For The Title Of Jollof Supreme Continues. Art Credit:

While I remain patriotic to my Yoruba Wedding style Jollof Rice, I started thinking about the ways in which Ghana may have the upper hand. So I hit up the interwebs.

A lot of things turned up; Ghana’s currency is higher than ours (1 Cedi = 81NGN), they have more stable electricity than we do… what caught my fitness pro eye was this:

The average Ghanain lives eight (8) years longer than the average Nigerian.

No jokes! According to studies (published in 2015), the life expectancy of the average Nigerian is 54 years old. This is a really crappy rate when compared to other African countries like Kenya and our next door neighbors Ghana, who both have an average expectancy of 62 years. While there are many reasons for this, but it really sucks to think that we’ve been arguing with these people about Jollof and they’ve literally been living long enough to have the last word!


But, while we can never tell if the awesomeness of our food is shortening our life cycles, there are different, manageable things that we can do to ensure that we stay healthy and safe so that we can live longer and healthier lives. Below, I list out five:

  1. Eat Better: veggie
    When making a list like this, good nutrition will always be at the top, because it is definitely the most important factor within our control. Of the top 20 causes of death in Nigeria, 6 of them (stroke, diarrhea, prostate cancer, malnutrition, diabetes and coronary heart disease) can be mitigated by ensuring that we eat good, whole foods that are nutrient rich and keep the body functioning at its best.
  2. Practice Safe Sex:

    Art by Todd Goldman

    While sex has become a topic that is spoken about more openly in Nigeria, we still have a long way to go. HIV/AIDS is a major cause of death, and Nigeria has the second-largest number of people living with HIV. Reducing the instances of HIV begins with us; ensuring that we have safe sex, and also maintaining steady sexual partners, we can help bridge the gap and reduce the number of infections that occur every day.

  3. Cut Down on Alcohol:
    8475910730_80f83c0064_n-1Liver disease is among the top causes of death in Nigeria. Although there are many reasons for liver disease, alcohol consumption is among the most prevalent. Considering that Nigeria is the top consumer of alcohol in Africa, it isn’t too much of a stretch to imagine that a reduction in our consumption would have a positive effect on the occurrence of liver disease in Nigeria.
  4. Move & Exercise More:
    life-is-movementBeing in good physical condition ensures that your body will be able to fight off diseases and killer conditions when they come your way. Maintaining a schedule that allows you to get a moderate amount of exercise (say 45 minutes, 3 times per week), will go a long way in keeping your body strong, and healthy.
  5. Take Constant Stock of Your Body:
    said-to-my-body.jpgProstate & Breast Cancers are the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer among Nigerian men & women. While I wouldn’t go as far as saying we can prevent these cancers, we can definitely mitigate their effects by constantly checking ourselves to ensure that there are no signs, and if there are, seeking medical aid as soon as possible.

If you’ve been trying to improve your health and life expectancy, but find it difficult to make changes because of time, I’m giving away a FREE Nutrition & Fitness Guide For Busy Professionals, so check that out.

And while I definitely cannot dispute that “something must kill a man”, putting the five tips above into practice will definitely reduce the number of things that can kill you, and will make sure you’re alive, healthy, and able to continue to pursue your purpose in life for as long as possible.

– Coach Panda

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